Friday, October 16, 2009

Stress Relief

As promised above are pictures of my current quilting project.  The top picture is a work in progress I have all of the top pieced together.  Now I'll actually start on the quilting part.  I'm hoping to have it done in time to send off as a Christmas gift for my granddaughter, Rachel.  The bottom quilts is completed and is it the Christmas gift for my grandson, Kyler. Quilting, card makingand of course, photography  are my MS and life stress relievers. I think it's so important to have hobbies that you can do to help relieve your stress.  Although photography is the one thing that I can do even during an exacerbation.  When optic neuritis flares, I just put on autofocus.  Quilting and card making can be a challenge during an exacerbation.  If my hands don't work, I can't do the fine details of card making and about of optic neuritis pretty well takes care of the safety of sewing.

I went to see the Ophthalmologist and Neurologist on Wednesday. I still have optic neuritis in the right eye so instead of doing another round of IV steroids he put me on steroid eyedrops for the next month.  The neurologist has decided to take a wait and see stand we went from discussing Tysabri in April to "let's just monitor you and I'll see you in December". Geesh. Talk about going from one extreme to another. So, I"ll just use my machine, my eye drops and wait. Gotta love MS.


Herrad said...

Hi Kimberly,
Great quilts, you have a lovely hobby there which gives alot of pleasure to all who see them.
Hope the eye drops do the job for you.

Webster said...

That quilt is nice and colorful and quite creative. I'm sure it will be treasured.

I'm curious... How do the eyedrops ease the inflammation of the optic nerve which goes from the back of the eyeball to the optic centers in the occipital lobe in the back of the brain? Did anyone explain that?

Kimberly said...

I'm not really sure. Although I would think they work because the area around the eyes absorb the steroids. All I know is it was either drops or another round of IV steroids and I just couldn't face the thought of another IV round!