Tuesday, March 24, 2009

MY day to whine......

This is exactly how I feel right now. Like I have too many balls in the air and I'm catching the ball with my toes. BARELY. Of course, my toes are MS toes and I'm not nearly that svelte. So I tend to drop the balls I'm trying to juggle! Most of the pressure I feel is self imposed out of frustration. I want to do more than I am and just don't have the stamina. The heart is willing but the body isn't. As a result I either do too much (just when I have the hang of imposing self limits for energy conservation) or get too frustrated, or more commonly, both. I still want to be all things to everyone knowing full well I can't. Heck, I couldn't before. (Seriously, who can)? However, I was able to get away with pushing myself harder. When I get feeling sorry for myself I try to focus on the fact that there ARE folks out there that have it worse. I'm not losing my home. I have a wonderful support group. I know things can be worse. BUT. Today, the hell with everyone else. (It's my blog. If I want to cuss I will). I'm tired of being clumsy, tired of BEING tired, tired of hurting (a whole different issue), tired of not hearing (another issue), tired of the chair, tired of being hungry (another issue). Add all those together with not being able to communicate well, stir, and voila. You have me. Pissy. Not a pretty sight. So, today I am embracing my frustration and allowing myself to BE pissy. I've earned it and I'm going to revel in it. I'm not going to watch the news to hear about anyone else's problem's. I don't want to hear anyone else whine about how tough they have it. Today is MY day to whine. Of course, I'm self actualized enough not to allow myself to allow others to bear the brunt of my royal pissiness (Is that a word? If not, it is now), and for that Mark is thankful! So let's see what else can I whine about? Nada. I do believe I have it covered.


Webster said...

Hey, do you want some cheese to go with that whine? LOL

Kimberly said...

Only Brie please! LOL

MS. ME said...

What about gouda? You gotta love a gouda whine!!! HAHAHHAHA I couldn't resist!!

Hey, here's the cooling vest I have - I call it my terminator vest for 2 reasons... It makes me look like a robot but it makes me feel stronger to do more!!


Kimberly said...

Thanks for the vest info!